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Picasso. The Bull and the Maiden

Masterpieces from the Hegewisch Collection
13 June to 3 October 2010


Vibrant and vulnerable

Like no other artist of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso (Malaga 1881–1973 Mougins) extended boundaries, pointed the way forward and both reflected and determined the complexity of modernism. The fascination that proceeds from his bold compositions is still unbroken.

The Hamburg collection of Klaus and Erika Hegewisch gives pride of place to this exceptional artist: Picasso is richly represented in this important collection of work on paper with eighty outstanding drawings and prints covering over five decades. The Picasso collection was shown for the first time in Hamburg in 1997 at the opening of the Galerie der Gegenwart; now it can be seen once again, with important additional works, in the Ernst Barlach Haus.

Pablo Picasso: The Blind Minotaur is Led by a Maiden, 1934<br />Collection Hegewisch, © Succession Picasso / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2010; Photo: Nicolai Stephan
Pablo Picasso: The Blind Minotaur is Led by a Maiden, 1934
Collection Hegewisch, © Succession Picasso / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2010; Photo: Nicolai Stephan

One protagonist of this exhibition is the Minotaur: this mythical mixture of man and bull continually reappears in Picasso’s imagery – strong yet vulnerable, a powerful symbol and double of the artist himself.

An exhibition catalogue has been published by Hachmannedition, Bremen (128 pages with 100 colour plates, German, hardcover, € 19,80).